Regulatory support for active substances and biocidal products

Consortium Management

Consortium management

Consortium Management


Why join a consortium?


Joining an active substance or a biocidal product consortium has several advantages:

  • share costs for testing, dossier preparation and fees

  • save in-house resources

  • obtain an independent authorisation.

CONSORTIUM formation

  • During the pre-consortium phase, we assemble the parties who are interested in joining a consortium and propose a BPF (biocidal product family) structure based on the new guidance note on the BPF concept. No confidential information needs to be shared at this stage. This is not a binding phase, anyone can still decide whether to join the consortium or to step out without any implications.

  • The consortium phase starts when at least three companies sign the consortium agreement. In this stage, we finalise the data gap analysis, carry out the testing, perform the risk assessment and complete dossier preparation. Any member of the consortium can decide — irrespective of the other members — to obtain a Union Authorisation or a National Authorisation.

Open Calls of interest

We are currently setting up a call of interest for the formation of a consortium for products containing the following active substance(s):

Register here to express your interest.


Please complete the form below if you would like to to enquire about future consortia:


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